M0mmy Misses You xoxox
Strict, sassy, fun, flirty, soon to be sixty, M0ther waiting for her little ones. I love all things small like cocktail weenies especially when they are on my little sissies. I also love all things soft like testies, fuzzy sweaters, slippers, panties, nylons, pinching your nipples between her manicured fingers that you paid for in the color of your choice and the feel of your behind under my firm hand during a discipline session. My favorite things are baths, massages, short dresses or lingerie with high heels and being taboo with you. You LOVE coming home from school and finding M0mmy in the bath waiting for you. M0mmy plays all the fun no limit games creating a magical experience. Darling's shower M0mmy with messages, calls, and other tokens of love. The naughtier and nastier you are, the more M0mmy loves you. M0mmy accepts requests for special appointments. Silent Callers, you are loved here. All Taboos welcome!

Mommy's sweet little sissy needs her Hot Pot nurtured and loved. Show Mommy those pretty panties. Twirl for Me darling<3